Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Healthy Snacks = Help Prevent Holiday Weight Gain!

Healthy Snacks to Keep Your Metabolism Fueled -
Even During the Holidays!
The holidays can easily put a few inches on your waistline if you are not prepared. Over indulging can mean that you are not eating frequently enough. Try carrying healthy snacks to eat throughout the day, they will help boost your metabolism and keep you on track.

A cup of this antioxidant-rich fruit

has only 95 calories.



Hard Boiled Eggs
Great source of iron and protein.
One medium hard-boiled egg delivers essential vitamins
and just 81 calories.


Almonds  Filling and highly portable, protein-packed snack.
10 raw almonds roughly equals 100 calories.


3 cups of air-popped popcorn is

only 93 calories and full of fiber.


Always Be Prepared
Long days of shopping or running errands during the holidays
 can leave you starving and tempted to hit the drive thru.
Make sure you always carry snacks in your car or bag
so you can combat hunger pains the healthy way!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Triumph Over Turkey Day - Great Ideas from around the Web

We have gathered some of the BEST "Thanksgiving Tips
from around the web!

Best Tip :  Visit your PWLC Center : our Counselors are here to help

From "About.com" 

7 Ways to Triumph Over Turkey Day

Avoid Thanksgiving Weight Gain

Thanksgiving weight gain isn't inevitable. With a few tricks, you can enjoy the meal without regretting it come Friday. Check out these ways to avoid Thanksgiving weight gain on "About.com"

Tip : Boneless, skinless white meat has less fat and calories! Tastes great too!


From Web MD

10 Tips for a Thinner Thanksgiving

Enjoy the holiday feast without the guilt -- or the weight gain.

Tip : Establish some ground rules in advance of the meal that allow you to indulge but not pig out -- for example, only one sliver of dessert.


From Livestrong

Thanksgiving Weight Loss Tips

Tip :Avoid Leftovers - Leftovers can be a killer for someone trying to lose weight.

Wishing you and yours a Healthy and Happy Thanksgiving!